Curriculum Development

FGCU Curriculum Development

Curriculum development includes:

  • Development, review and approval of courses, degree programs, minors and academic certificates.

  • Providing administrative and staff support for the following university-wide teams: Undergraduate Curriculum Team (UCT), Graduate Curriculum Team (GCT), and the Sustainability Graduation Requirement Review Team for courses with the SCGR attribute.

  • Review the academic catalog for accuracy of curriculum information. 
  • Maintenance of numerous academic policies.

Curriculum Development Guidelines & Procedures

Curriculum Proposal Forms & Systems

  • Undergraduate Forms

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  • Graduate Forms 

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  • Curriculum Management System (CMS)

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  • Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS)

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Deadlines for Submission of Curricular Materials

Timeline A applies to the following categories:

(For items that do not require Board of Trustees approval)

  • Revisions to existing degree programs and existing program majors
  • New minors and revisions to existing minors
  • New certificates and revisions to existing certificates
  • New courses and revisions to existing courses

May 31, 2025, is the next deadline for submission of approved proposals

Timeline B applies to the following categories:

(For items that do require Board of Trustees approval)

  • New program majors
  • New degree programs

The review and approval process for curriculum to be implemented Fall 2026 for the 2026-2027 catalog year includes the following steps:

  1. It is strongly recommended that program/department representatives meet with Lucero Carvajal from the Office of Academic and Curriculum Support prior to preparing paperwork for submitting program revisions to the appropriate college curriculum teams.  This will help ensure that all state and university policies and procedures are being followed and all program requirements are clear and concise. 
    Please contact Lucero Carvajal via email or at 239-745-4368 to schedule a meeting.
  2. Colleges/Schools review and approve proposals. Each college/school has its own internal review process and associated deadlines.
    Each proposal must be approved by the:
    • Department or program chair or director,
    • Chair of the college/school curriculum team, and
    • College/School dean.
    • Proposed courses with general education designations must be submitted to the General Education Council for review after approval is granted by the college.
  3. May 31, 2025, is the deadline for submission of approved proposal documentation to the Office of Academic and Curriculum Support - Attention: Lucero Carvajal.
    Note: Please submit the proposal forms for course revisions through the Curriculum Management System (CMS) only - copies of course forms are not needed.
  4. The university-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Team or the Graduate Curriculum Team reviews and approves proposals.
  5. Academic and Curriculum Support coordinates the next steps, which includes reviewing suggested course prefix/number assignments and updating program major information on the FGCU website and in the catalog.

The review and approval process for new program majors, new degree programs or other curricular actions includes the following steps:

  1. Contact Lucero Carvajal through email or at 239-745-4368.
  2. Faculty and colleges/schools are advised to work closely with Academic and Curriculum Support and Academic Affairs to ensure that proposals have received appropriate strategic planning and budgetary review.
  3. These items must be approved at the college/school level (see below) and ready for university-wide Undergraduate Curriculum Team or Graduate Curriculum Team review no later than 90 days prior to the scheduled Board of Trustees meeting.
    Colleges/schools review and approve proposals. Each college/school has its own internal review process and associated deadlines.
    Each proposal must be approved by the:
    • Department or program chair or director,
    • Chair of the college/school curriculum team, and
    • College/school dean.
    • Proposed courses with general education designations must be submitted to the General Education Council for review after approval is granted by the college/school.

Academic Catalog Information

  • FGCU Academic Catalog

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  • Archived Catalogs

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  • Current Catalog Guidelines

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Academic Policies and Practices in the Academic Catalog