Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Seidler Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Faculty mentored undergraduate research has proven to be instrumental in deepening student learning and providing direct and marketable experience in the students’ chosen discipline. Through the generosity of Lee and Gene Seidler, the CAS Dean’s Office provides summer funding for significant faculty-student collaboration on research and creative activities.  

Overview of the Process:

  • Collaboration must take place during the Summer term (research may continue through Fall, but faculty stipends requests may only be made for Summer).
  • Projects may be of short duration or may represent one phase of a long-term, continuing research project.  
  • Award totals may be up to $15,000.
  • A single faculty member may be listed on up to two project proposals.
  • Successful proposals will demonstrate a mentoring relationship between faculty and student that encourages scholarly/creative work in a collaborative environment.  
  • A representative committee of CAS faculty will evaluate the projects and provide funding recommendations to the Dean.
  • The total number of projects funded will depend upon the budgets of the successful applicants, and the total funding available for distribution.

Annual Timeline*:

  • September 30 - Application opens
  • Mid-January – Seidler virtual Q & A sessions (will be updated with dates in Jan.)
  • January 31, 5:00PM – Deadline for Seidler Research Fellowship Application
  • By March 31 – Awards announced
  • Seidler Report Due – First day of classes the following Spring Semester

*As per university guidelines, should one of the dates above fall on a weekend in any given year, the due date becomes the next business day following the date.

Request for Proposals

Review the 2024 Request for Proposals and the Description of the Application Materials - An updated 2025 version will be available Sept. 30.

Go to RFP

Submit Your Application

Applications for Summer 2025 will open on Sept. 30. 


Please reach out to Laura Frost or one of the members of the committee below.

Arts & Humanities
(BSMA; Communication & Philosophy; Language & Literature; Integrated Studies)

Delphine Gras, Language & Literature - 2026
Megan McShane, BSMA - 2026

Behavioral, Political & Social Sciences
(Justice Studies, Political Sciences & Public Administration; Psychology)

Francis Davey, Poli Sci & Pub Admin - 2026
Derek Reiners, Poli Sci & Pub Admin - 2025

(Biological Studies; Chemistry & Physics; Mathematics)

Faysal Chowdhury, Mathematics - 2026
Daniel Lambrecht, Chemistry & Physics - 2026

Seidler Fellowship Awardees