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Darnell, Jeanie (DMA)

Bower School of Music & the Arts

MUSIC 0213

Jeanie Darnell is Professor of Music and Head of Vocal Studies at Florida Gulf Coast University’s Bower School of Music. As a concert artist, Darnell has been hailed by critics throughout the United States and in Europe for her "wonderfully bell-like tones" (Wertheimer Zeitung). A regional finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in 1998, she has been in demand as soprano soloist of major concert and oratorio repertoire. She has been a featured soloist with the Gesellschaft für Musiktheater (Vienna), Naples Philharmonic Orchestra, the Southwest Florida Symphony, Opera Naples, Patronato Peruano de la Música Centenarios, Operafestival di Roma, Corsi Internazionali di Musica, Omaha Symphony, Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, Denver Bach Festival, Naples Bach Ensemble, Fort Myers Symphonic Master Singers, Lindsborg Messiah Festival, Colorado Music Festival, and Rocky Mountain Music Alliance. A champion of new music, she has presented concerts of works throughout the United States by composers Robert Boury, Don Freund, Richard Hundley, Lori Laitman, Marcia Marchesi, Timothy Snider and Z. Randall Stroope.

As a 2016 Fulbright Scholar Award Recipient, Darnell taught courses in Vocal Pedagogy and a seminar in American Song at The National Conservatory of Music in Lima, Perú. Darnell completed her Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy at the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2002 while already heading the voice area at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. She has lectured on the male adolescent voice at the International Congress of Voice Teachers (ICVT) 2009 Paris Conference, the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) 2008 National Conference, and the ICVT 2005 Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. She also has lectured on recital repertoire from Schubert to Berg at College Music Society (CMS) regional conferences, and presented her research on "The Songs of Robert Boury" at the 2006 NATS National Conference.

Darnell also has taught on the faculties of many summer music festivals to include Summer Music Study in Szeged, Hungary, and the Corsi Internazionali di Musica, Urbino and Perugia, Italy. As an adjudicator, she has judged, among others, at the 19th and 20th Concurso Internacional Canto de Lírico de Trujillo (Trujillo, Perú), El Concurso de Canto Lírico de la Radio Filarmonia (Lima, Peru), and the Denver Lyric Opera Competition. She has taught master classes throughout the U.S. and abroad, to include: National Youth Chorus of Perú, Peruvian Ministry of Education, National Conservatory of Music (Lima, Perú), Universidad Catolica (Lima, Peru), Konservatorium Wien Private University (Vienna, Austria), Austin Peay State University, Baylor University, State College of Florida, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of North Florida, Reinhardt University, Youngstown State University, and the Opera Naples Gilbert and Sullivan Youth Program. Her students have placed in many competitions, and have been selected for numerous summer programs, graduate schools and internships.

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