General Education Council

2024-2025 Members

Bianco, Nick CAS 2027
Vacant CAS 2026
Swanson, Maggie CAS 2025
Byrne, Michele COE 2025
Stout, Annie DKSOE 2025
Magnier, Alexandre LCOB 2025
Craig, Amy LIB 2027
White, Mary Katherine MCHHS 2027
Vacant TWS  
Alter-Kay, Julie UAS 2025
Redfern, Lauren WCE 2025
Ross, Joseph ex officio, Director of General Education  
Vacant ex officio, Student Government representative  

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Date Documents

Team By-Laws

(i) Composition

The General Education Council (GEC) consists of three faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences; one faculty member from each of the other academic units; Director of General Education (ex officio); a representative of the Academic Advising Council (non-voting); and a Student Government representative. Faculty must teach at least one undergraduate course per year or be a Librarian liaison to an undergraduate program, to be eligible to serve on the Council.

(ii) Responsibilities and Duties

Members of the GEC serve as a unified university entity to preserve and maintain academic integrity of general education curriculum and course offerings, review and resolve curricular issues, assure public accountability by the University, report to the Faculty Senate, and collaborate with the UCT when appropriate.

The Council will have primary responsibility for all curricular aspects of the General Education Program and is the unit-level review body for curricular proposals affecting general education and related university requirements.

The Council will collaborate with the Director of General Education on policy matters related to administration of the program. When the college representative to the General Education Council is not qualified or chooses not to present changes to the curriculum from other disciplines in the college they represent, the team may invite representatives from that discipline to present the changes and answer questions from the General Education Council team.