Graduate Affairs Team

2024-2025 Members

Kern, Daniel CAS 2027
Alexander, F. King COE 2025
Vo, Dan DKSOE 2027
Kirche, Elias LCOB 2026
Mays, Traci (Chair) LIB 2027
Tenrreiro, Kathleen MCHHS 2027
Rotz, Rachel TWS 2026
Villiers, Claude WCE 2025
Acosta, Shannon ex-officio, Graduate Studies  
Carvajal, Lucero ex-officio, Academic and Curriculum Support  
Diaz, Heather ex-officio, Office of the Registrar  
Kirby, Dawn ex-officio, Provost appointee  
Santiago, Jazzmine ex-officio, Graduate Admissions  
  ex officio, Graduate Student Representative  

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Date Document

Team By-Laws

(i) Composition

The Graduate Affairs Team (GAT) consists of one faculty member with graduate faculty   

Member or Associate Member status representing each College; one faculty member representing Library Services who is the liaison to a graduate program; one representative from the Office of Graduate Studies one representative from the Office of Academic and Curriculum Support and one representative from the Office of Graduate Admissions as non-voting ex-officio members; one graduate student representative and one graduate student alternate (both of whom may attend any meeting) appointed by the Student Government President (1-year term) to serve as non-voting ex-officio members. 

(ii) Responsibilities and Duties

The Graduate Affairs Team will review and recommend action to the Faculty Senate on all matters pertaining to university-level policies concerning graduate academic programs. These include, but are not limited to, (a) minimum requirements for graduate faculty eligibility, (b) admission to and completion of graduate programs, (c) final submissions of theses and dissertations, (d) the graduate grading system, (e) graduate research committees, (f) the distribution of graduate student assistantships and tuition waivers, and (g) the review of proposed changes to program-level policies to ensure compliance with university-level graduate policies, and (h) honorary degrees committee. The GAT will review petitions from faculty members and graduate students appealing decisions based on university graduate academic policies and procedures as well as from applicants appealing for reconsideration of admission, and will forward recommendations to the Director of Graduate Studies.  The GAT is not responsible for considering student appeals covered by other university or college committees including, but not limited to, grade appeals, appeals for reinstatement, appeals for residency reclassification, tuition and fee appeals, and withdrawal policy appeals.