Sanibel Island Writers Conference

Registration is now open for the 2024 Sanibel Island Writers Conference, Nov. 8-9 on the Florida Gulf Coast University campus.

Registration is free and open to anyone interested in learning about the craft of writing from some of the best writers and teachers around, including Kyle Arrington, Lynne Barrett, Denise Duhamel, John Dufresne, MJ Fievre, Andrea Askowitz & Allison Langer, Geoffrey Philp, and keynote speaker Steve Almond.


Click below to register for the 2024 conference.

Sponsors, Partners, and Acknowledgments 

2022 conference sponsor logos 

  • Especially huge shout outs & bottomless gratitude to:

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  • To authors/workshop leaders/editors/agents for writing so many words worth reading:

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  • Thanks to everyone—colleagues & friends—who offered advice, donated time & money, volunteered, and helped promote the conference:

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Support the Sanibel Island Writers Conference

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We Look Forward to Seeing You on Campus.

Tom DeMarchi and Jason Elek | Directors |