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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The FGCU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews all research
and teaching projects that involve the use of or possible impact on animals to ensure
compliance with federal regulations. The IACUC review ensures that the use of animals
is justified and any animal pain or suffering is minimized. Applications are accepted
by ORSP on behalf of the committee at any time.
The IACUC is charged with investigating and acting on complaints regarding the use
of animals at research facilities; all IACUC member contact information can be found
through emailing Sherry Alexander; all reports are held in strict confidence; reports may be made by hardcopy letter,
in writing, or verbally to an IACUC committee member. In cases of verbal reporting,
the relevant committee member will document the concern, ensure with the reporter
that the documentation accurately reflects the concern and report that concern to
the full IACUC for investigation.
Applications are accepted by ORSP on behalf of the IACUC committee. Contact Sherry Alexander for training on NEW platform-Streamlyne. Use the IACUC application descriptions below
for the appropriate category:
IACUC Form Category
Category Description
Category A
Animals in the wild, no direct animal contact; animal's environment is manipulated
in a way that there is no direct contact with the animal. Examples:
Housing or habitat is altered
Feeder in installed
Vocalizations or other auditory stimuli are broadcast
Category B
Animals in captivity; animal use confined to normal maintenance; breeding, conditioning,
or holding for future use in teaching or research.
Normal maintenance of vertebrae animals such as fish stocks for future use in research
or teaching.
Category C
Animal use activities that involve no pain or limited distress AND no use of pain-relieving
Capturing/trapping live animals (e.g., via commercial fishing practices or trapping
wild birds, rodents, amphibians).
For some species, moving from the wild into FGCU's animal resources.
Collection of tissues/specimens preceded by AVMA approved euthanasia methods.
Category D
Animal use activities that involveassociated pain or distress, relievedby appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, tranquilizing drugs or other method of pain
or distress relief.
Tagging involving surgical procedures.
Implantation of minor chronic catheters (e.g., femoral arterial and venous catheters).
Application of or injections of anesthetics.
Retro-orbital blood collection.
Minor surgery with pain relief.
Chemical immobilization/ restraint for ≤ 60 minutes.
Stressful transportation that requires tranquilization.
Category E
Animal use activities that involve accompanying pain or distress NOT relieved by anesthetic,
analgesic, tranquilizing drugs or other method of pain or distress relief.
Research or procedures that require continuation until death occurs (e.g., fisheries
mortality studies).
Application of noxious chemicals or stimuli animals cannot avoid/ escape and/ or it
is severe enough to cause pain or distress.
Long term withholding of food or water.
Contact Sherry Alexander for training on NEW platform-Streamlyne.