Documentation & Forms

Documentation Process Confidentiality Forms


Individuals requesting accommodations and services due to a disability may be asked to provide documentation to support their requests. Our Minimum Documentation Requirements form provides information on the required documentation for receiving services.

Please note that Individualized Education Plans (IEP), 504 plans and former teacher recommendations are helpful in eliciting services, but these types of documentation ARE NOT sufficient for primary documentation. Additionally, if documentation presented exceeds a reasonable time period (typically 3-5 years), current testing may be required. Students will be directed to the Counseling and Psychological Services office (CAPS), with the cost of the testing being at the expense of the individual, or students may choose to test privately. A referral list of local offices that conduct disability testing can be obtained through CAPS.

Process to Receive Services

  1. Students will need to make an appointment with a case manager in order to  to formulate an accommodation plan. Documentation of the request should be supplied prior to the appointment.  It is also recommended that the Request for Accommodations form be completed prior to the appointment. 
  2. Students should meet with their assigned case manager in Adaptive Services within the first two weeks of the start of classes, although it is recommended that the student make the appointment during the orientation period. Discussions during this meeting will allow the case manager to modify the accommodations and services if the need arises.
  3. If the status of a student’s condition changes in any way, additional documentation regarding the change will be required. This documentation must be sent to the case manager as soon as the change in condition is discovered.
  4. It is recommended that the student meet with the assigned case manager at the beginning of EACH semester for evaluation and review of existing accommodations and academic performance.

*Delay of services due to late receipt of documentation and required forms are not the responsibility of the Office of Adaptive Services

Case Managers:

Cori Bright-Kerrigan

Learning Disabilities and ESA's

Dodie Jeter

ADD/ADHD, Psychological Disabilities

Tom Vaughan

Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairments, Physical Disabilities, Temporary Disabilities

Amy Shepherd



The Office of Adaptive Services strictly adheres to confidentiality guidelines. Individuals who receive services will do so on the premise that only the individual, office staff and in some cases, instructors, are aware of this partnership. The following details the confidentiality guidelines.

  1. Documentation is kept in a secured electronic file and is available only to the office staff. The individual has the right to review his or her file upon request.

  2. Instructors and other faculty and staff are on a “need to know” basis; individual files will not be made public to those that work at FGCU. Documentation is not given to instructors but they are made aware of the accommodations that will be needed while the student is enrolled in that specific course. The Office of Adaptive Services STRONGLY suggests that the individual contact their instructor and develop a student/teacher relationship with them. However, it is the decision of the individual whether or not the instructor is made aware of the individualized need.

  3. Tutors, note takers and other volunteers who will help provide services are also on a “need to know” basis. Their primary goal is to tutor or take notes. It is at the discretion of the individual whether or not these service providers are made aware of their individualized need.

  4. Testing accommodations will be handled in a manner that  allows only the individual and the instructor to know about the accommodation. The Office of Adaptive Services strives to maintain confidentiality throughout this process.

  5. In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), all information regarding the individual’s acquired accommodations and services, testing circumstances and grades are ONLY seen by the office staff and the student. The Release to a Third Party form can be completed by the individual, allowing office staff to discuss the individual’s status with members of a third party, but ONLY in general terms. It is at the individual's discretion to decide who they want knowing their academic status.

If any questions or concerns arise regarding confidentiality, contact the Office of Adaptive Services.
