Fee-Based Services

Fee-Based Services

The RERI offers various services to community and business stakeholders interested in learning more about the Southwest Florida region and their industry in our local economy.

With specialized knowledge and access to several proprietary data sources, our research team can tailor a product that fits your specific needs.  The following represents a list of our most commonly requested fee-based services.  If you are interested in learning more about our services, or would like to inquire about a service not listed, do not hesitate to reach out at reri@fgcu.edu.

  • Economic Impact Analysis

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  • Survey-Based Research

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  • Industry Analysis

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  • Economic and Demographic Profile

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  • Population and Workforce Studies

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  • Other Secondary Data Collection

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  • Policy and Program Evaluation

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  • Dashboard Design and Maintenance

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  • Other Specialized Services

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Resources & Tools

Our institute utilizes various proprietary data sources in our studies. Below is a list of all the resources and tools we have access to.

  • Lightcast
  • Woods & Poole
  • CoStar
  • Placer.ai
  • Qualtrics
  • Tableau Public